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  1. Liao TJ, Xiong HY, Sakuma S, Duan RJ. 2025. The development of hooded awns in barley: From ectopic Kap1 expression to yield potential. Gene 934, 149036.

  2. Jayakodi M, Lu Q, Pidon H, Rabanus-Wallace MT, Bayer M, Lux T, Guo Y, Jaegle B, Badea A, Bekele W, Brar GS, Braune K, Bunk B, Chalmers KJ, Chapman B, Jorgensen ME, Feng JW, Feser M, Fiebig A, Gundlach H, Guo W, Haberer G, Hansson M, Himmelbach A, Hoffie I, Hoffie RE, Hu H, Isobe S, Konig P, Kale SM, Kamal N, Keeble-Gagnere G, Keller B, Knauft M, Koppolu R, Krattinger SG, Kumlehn J, Langridge P, Li C, Marone MP, Maurer A, Mayer KFX, Melzer M, Muehlbauer GJ, Murozuka E, Padmarasu S, Perovic D, Pillen K, Pin PA, Pozniak CJ, Ramsay L, Pedas PR, Rutten T, Sakuma S, Sato K, Schuler D, Schmutzer T, Scholz U, Schreiber M, Shirasawa K, Simpson C, Skadhauge B, Spannagl M, Steffenson BJ, Thomsen HC, Tibbits JF, Nielsen MTS, Trautewig C, Vequaud D, Voss C, Wang P, Waugh R, Westcott S, Rasmussen MW, Zhang R, Zhang XQ, Wicker T, Dockter C, Mascher M, Stein N. 2024. Structural variation in the pangenome of wild and domesticated barley. Nature.

  3. Thirulogachandar V, Govind G, Hensel G, Kale SM, Kuhlmann M, Eschen-Lippold L, Rutten T, Koppolu R, Rajaraman J, Palakolanu SR, Seiler C, Sakuma S, Jayakodi M, Lee J, Kumlehn J, Komatsuda T, Schnurbusch T, Sreenivasulu N (2024) HOMEOBOX2, the paralog of SIX-ROWED SPIKE1/HOMEOBOX1, is dispensable for barley spikelet development. J Exp Bot 75:2900-2916

  4. Sakuma S*, Yamashita Y, Suzuki T, Nasuda S (2024) A Catalog of GNI-A1 Genes That Regulate Floret Fertility in a Diverse Bread Wheat Collection. Plants (Basel) 13

  5. Sakuma S*, Rokuhara N, Ohnishi S, Jinno H, Yamashita Y, Tanaka H (2024) Mutation of the wheat homeobox gene Grain Number Increase 1 increases grain number and grain yield but decreases grain protein content. Euphytica 220:64

  6. Sakuma S*, Koppolu R* (2023) Form follows function in Triticeae inflorescences. Breeding Science 73:46-56

  7. Liu, C., H. Su, S. Sakuma, M. Xu, J.A. Birchler and F. Han (2022) Editorial: Genomics and disease resistance in wheat and maize. Front Plant Sci 13: 1064948.

  8. 松岡由浩・丹野研一・佐久間俊:パンコムギの起源地はどこか?. 考古学ジャーナル. ISSN 0454-1634. pp. 29-31. ニューサイエンス(2022)

  9. 佐久間俊*:麦の花序構造を決める遺伝子. 植調. ISSN 0289-8233. pp. 13-15. 日本植物調節剤研究協会(2022)

  10. V. Thirulogachandar, G. Govind, S. Kale, M. Kuhlmann, L. Eschen-Lippold, G. Hensel, T. Rutten, R. Koppolu, J. Rajaraman, P. Sudhakar Reddy, C. Seiler, S. Sakuma, M. Jayakodi, J. Lee, D. Scheel, J. Kumlehn, T. Komatsuda, T. Schnurbusch, N. Sreenivasulu: Dosage of duplicated and antifunctionalized homeobox proteins influence spikelet development in barley. bioRxiv: DOI:

  11. 佐久間俊*:コムギの穀粒数を制御する遺伝子. アグリバイオ 特集 作物の品種保護を支えるDNA型鑑定技術. ISBN 01328-12. pp.64-66. 北隆館 (2021)

  12. GM. Wolde, M. Schreiber, C. Trautewig, A. Himmelbach, S. Sakuma, M. Mascher, T. Schnurbusch: Genome-wide identification of loci modifying spike-branching in tetraploid wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 134: 1925–1943 (2021)

  13. 佐久間俊*・小松田 隆夫:分子育種に向けた進化の活用. 育種学研究 22 巻, 1 号, p. 83-86 (2020)

  14. 佐久間俊*:オオムギ穂の多様性を制御する遺伝的基盤. アグリバイオ 特集 多収イネの開発と将来展望. ISBN 01327-07. pp.88-90. 北隆館 (2020)

  15. 佐久間俊*:オオムギの穂のかたちを決める遺伝子. アグリバイオ 特集 健康機能性に優れる大麦研究の現状. ISBN 01327-04. pp.45-47. 北隆館 (2020)

  16. 佐久間俊*:麦の穂のかたちを決める遺伝子. 化学と生物. Vol.58 No.5 264-268 (2020)

  17. S. Sakuma*, T. Schnurbusch*: Of floral fortune: tinkering with the grain yield potential of cereal crops. New Phytologist, 225:1873-1882 (2020)

  18. S. Sakuma*, G. Golan, Z. Guo, T. Ogawa, A. Tagiri, K. Sugimoto, N. Bernhardt, J. Brassac, M. Mascher, G. Hensel, S. Ohnishi, H. Jinno, Y. Yamashita, I. Ayalon, Z. Peleg, T. Schnurbusch*, T. Komatsuda* : Unleashing floret fertility in wheat through the mutation of a homeobox gene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116:5182-5187 (2019) Media EN, JP1, JP2HE

  19. AM. Casas, B. Contreras-Moreira, CP. Cantalapiedra, S. Sakuma, MP. Gracia, M. Moralejo, JL. Molina-Cano, T. Komatsuda, E. Igartua: Resequencing Vrs1 gene in Spanish barley landraces revealed reversion of six-rowed to two-rowed spike. Molecular Breeding. 38: 51 (2018)

  20. M. Pourkheirandish, H. Kanamori, J. Wu, S. Sakuma, F. Blattner, T. Komatsuda: Elucidation of the origin of “agriocrithon” based on domestication genes questions the hypothesis that Tibet is one of the centers of barley domestication. The Plant Journal, 94: 525-534 (2018)

  21. M. Pourkheirandish, F. Dai, S. Sakuma, H. Kanamori, A. Distelfeld, G. Willcox, T. Kawahara, T. Matsumoto, B. Kilian, T. Komatsuda: On the origin of the non-brittle rachis trait of domesticated einkorn wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 2031 (2018)

  22. S. Sakuma*, U. Lundqvist, Y. Kakei, V. Thirulogachandar, T. Suzuki, K. Hori, J. Wu, A. Tagiri, T. Rutten, R. Koppolu, Y. Shimada, K. Houston, WTB. Thomas, R. Waugh, T. Schnurbusch, T. Komatsuda*: Extreme suppression of lateral floret development by a single amino acid change in the VRS1 transcription factor. Plant Physiology, 175: 1720-1731 (2017)

  23. HM. Youssef, K. Eggert, R. Koppolu, AM. Alqudah, N. Poursarebani, A. Fazeli, S. Sakuma, A. Tagiri, T. Rutten, G. Govind, U. Lundqvist, A. Graner, T. Komatsuda, N. Sreenivasulu, T. Schnurbusch: VRS2 regulates hormone-mediated inflorescence patterning in barley. Nature Genetics, 49: 157-161 (2017)

  24. C. Liu, T. Suzuki, K. Mishina, A. Habekuss, A. Ziegler, C. Li, S. Sakuma, G. Chen, M. Pourkheirandish, T. Komatsuda: Wheat yellow mosaic virus resistance in wheat cultivar Madsen acts in roots but not in leaves. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 82: 261-267 (2016)

  25. 佐久間俊*・木庭卓人: 四倍性コムギのライムギに対する交雑親和性. 農業生産技術管理学会誌, 22: 105-110 (2016)

  26. 佐久間俊*:麦の穂の形を決める分子機構. 横浜市立大学論叢自然科学系列. 64: 35-43 (2016)

  27. M. Katkout, S. Sakuma, K. Kawaura, Y. Ogihara: TaqSH1-D, wheat ortholog of rice seed shattering gene qSH1, maps to the interval of a rachis fragility QTL on chromosome 3DL of common wheat (Triticum aestivum). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 62: 979–984 (2015)

  28. M. Pourkheirandish, G. Hensel, B. Kilian, N. Senthil, G. Chen, M. Sameri, P. Azhaguvel, S. Sakuma, S. Dhanagond, R. Sharma, M. Mascher, A. Himmelbach, S. Gottwald, S. Nair, A. Tagiri, F. Yukuhiro, Y. Nagamura, H. Kanamori, T. Matsumoto, G. Willcox, C. Middleton, T. Wicker, A. Walther, R. Waugh, G. Fincher, N. Stein, J. Kumlehn, K. Sato, T. Komatsuda: Evolution of the grain dispersal system in barley. Cell, 162: 527–539 (2015)

  29. N. Poursarebani, T. Seidensticker, R. Koppolu, C. Trautewig, P. Gawroński, F. Bini, G. Govind, T. Rutten, S. Sakuma, A. Tagiri, GM. Wolde, HM. Youssef, A. Battal, S. Ciannamea, T. Fusca, T. Nussbaumer, C. Pozzi, A. Börner, U. Lundqvist, T. Komatsuda, S. Salvi, R. Tuberosa, C. Uauy, N. Sreenivasulu, L. Rossini, T. Schnurbusch: The genetic basis of composite spike form in barley and 'Miracle-Wheat. Genetics, 201: 155–165 (2015)

  30. Y. Jung, K. Kawaura, M. Kishii, S. Sakuma, Y. Ogihara: Comparison of genome-wide gene expression patterns in the seedlings of nascent allohexaploid wheats produced by two combinations of hybrids. Genes & Genetic Systems, 90: 79–88 (2015)

  31. Y. Jung, K. Kawaura, K. Mishina, S. Sakuma, M. Kishii, Y. Ogihara: Changes in genome-wide gene expression during allopolyploidization and genome stabilization in hexaploid wheat. Genes & Genetic Systems, 89: 215–225 (2015)

  32. M. Katkout, M. Kishii, K. Kawaura, K. Mishina, S. Sakuma, K. Umeda, S. Takumi, M. Nitta, S. Nasuda, Y. Ogihara: QTL analysis of genetic loci affecting domestication-related spike characters in common wheat. Genes & Genetic Systems, 89:121–131 (2014)

  33. R. Koppolu, N. Anwar, S. Sakuma, A. Tagiri, U. Lundqvist, M. Pourkheirandish, T. Rutten, C. Seiler, A. Himmelbach, R. Ariyadasa, HM. Youssef, N. Stein, N. Sreenivasulu, T. Komatsuda, T. Schnurbusch: Six-rowed spike4 (Vrs4) controls spikelet determinacy and row-type in barley. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 110: 13198–13203 (2013)

  34. S. Ning, N. Wang, S. Sakuma, M. Pourkheirandish, T. Koba, T. Komatsuda: Variation in the wheat AP2 homoeologs, the genes underlying lodicule development. Breeding Science, 63: 255–266 (2013

  35. S. Ning, N. Wang, S. Sakuma, M. Pourkheirandish, T. Koba, T. Komatsuda: Identification of an AP2 gene related to open flowering in diploid wheat (Triticum monococcum). Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 5: 0677–0683 (2013)

  36. S. Ning, N. Wang, S. Sakuma, M. Pourkheirandish, J. Wu, T. Matsumoto, T. Koba, T. Komatsuda: Structure, transcription and post-transcriptional regulation of the bread wheat orthologs of the barley cleistogamy gene Cly1. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 126: 1273–1283 (2013)

  37. S. Sakuma, M. Pourkheirandish, G. Hensel, J. Kumlehn, N. Stein, A. Tagiri, N. Yamaji, JF. Ma, H. Sassa, T. Koba, T. Komatsuda: Divergence of expression pattern contributed to neofunctionalization of duplicated HD-Zip I transcription factor in barley. New Phytologist, 197: 939–948 (2013)

  38. C. Li, A. Wang, X. Ma, M. Pourkheirandish, S. Sakuma, N. Wang, S. Ning, E. Nevo, C. Nawrath, T. Komatsuda, G. Chen: An eceriferum locus, cer-zv, is associated with a defect in cutin responsible for water retention in barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 126: 637–646 (2013)

  39. X. Ma, H. Sela, G. Jiao, C. Li, A. Wang, M. Pourkheirandish, D. Weiner, S. Sakuma, T. Krugman, E. Nevo, T. Komatsuda, A. Korol, G. Chen: Population-genetic analysis of HvABCG31 promoter sequence in wild barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12: 188 (2012)

  40. G. Chen, T. Komatsuda, JF. Ma, C. Nawrath, M. Pourkheirandish, A. Tagiri, YG. Hu, M. Sameri, X. Li, X. Zhao, Y. Liu, C. Li, X. Ma, A. Wang, S. Nair, N. Wang, A. Miyao, S. Sakuma, N. Yamaji, X. Zheng, E. Nevo: An ATP-binding cassette subfamily G full transporter is essential for the retention of leaf water in both wild barley and rice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 108: 12354–12359 (2011)

  41. S. Sakuma, B. Salomon, T. Komatsuda: The domestication syndrome genes responsible for the major changes in plant form in the Triticeae crops. Plant and Cell Physiology, 52: 738–749 (2011)

  42. S. Sakuma, M. Pourkheirandish, T. Matsumoto, T. Koba, T. Komatsuda: Duplication of a well-conserved homeodomain-leucine zipper transcription factor gene in barley generates a copy with more specific functions. Functional Integrative Genomics, 10: 123–133 (2010)

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